surfboard shaping_

This project was done in the context of my thesis during my undergraduate studies at the Department of Product and Systems Design and Engineering of Aegean University. The idea of this project was to implement the scientific and technological skills acquired from my undergraduate studies, in the design and construction of a surfboard. An additional objective was the elaboration of the main principles and trends in the design of such a board and the materials used for its construction in a way that the final product would be manageable in the conditions that a certain context of use demanded and also maintain the cost at a low budget level since there was no easy access to the specialized means that are used in the industry. Hence, this work ought to be done with the minimum equipment. My personal motivation, which could possibly coincide with the motivation of the potential reader, stemmed from a particular interest about design and engineering, along with my love for these sports. Also, my involvement with this procedure strengthened the interest about surfing, since prior to this project I was not a surfer (not that I am now..). 

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